Maritime Voices Home2023-07-15T10:51:39+08:00

Welcome to Maritime Voices

Interviews with people from Port Townsend, WA and the Olympic Peninsula who have unique and interesting maritime related stories. We interview shipwrights, voyagers, sailmakers, fishers, designers, and more. If you are not familiar with the Pacific Northwest of the United States, the Olympic Peninsula is at the very northwest corner of the lower 48 states. Port Townsend has been a sailing hub since the 1850’s and is currently the home to a vibrant community of marine trades people and sailors.

 All interviews and transcripts will be shared with the Jefferson County Historical Society for them to keep forever.

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Including transcripts

Leif Knutsen

November 21st, 2022|Fisher, Shipwright|

Leif was born in 1943 and grew up in Connecticut and Oregon. He got first got involved with boats while living on the Columbia River in his youth. He spent a number of summers in Alaska fishing and fixing boats, and some time working at Fisherman’s Terminal in Seattle before moving to Port Townsend in the early 1970’s with his soon-to-be wife Joan. He was one of the founders of

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